When you are French and you like America, you think that French and Americans are very similar. But actually, we are a bit different. America has a different culture with different codes. As a French migrant, here is what still leaves me perplexed or still surprises me after 10 years in the US.

1- They eat cheese with crackers as Aperitif.

You can eat many different things at aperitif in France: peanuts, olives, potato chips, etc… Here in America, we usually have cheese platter with crackers and grapes. I don’t mean parmesan slices or ‘apericubes’. I mean Brie and Roquefort that French people usually eat after the main meal before desert, but put on a wood board, arranged with taste in the middle of grapes, olives and nuts. It looks always abondant and luxurious. Why not having cheese for Aperitif? What matter most is cheese!

2- They visit Europe in 5 days.

You can meet French tourists almost everywhere in the world, as is French people were always in vacation… let me think… Don’t many French workers (not all though) have 5 to 8 weeks paid vacation ? Lucky French workers!

American vacations are different: usually, firms offer 2 to 4 weeks paid vacation a year, so most of the time, wealthy Americans book 1 week family vacation abroad and most of them visit Europe in 5 days! usually London-Paris-Berlin-Geneva or London-Paris-La Riviera-Rome or Madrid or any other combination…. Less wealthy Americans who can’t afford to travel, travel virtually, watching travel channels or DVDs….

3- They think french Pastries make you gain weight.

When I arrived in NY 15 years ago, I gained a few pounds and I blamed the salad dressings with added-sugar and fried food served in restaurants. My co-workers answered me back: “how come you didn’t gain weight in France with all French pastries and croissants?”… that’s true, but I didn’t have croissant every breakfast and tarte aux fraises every desert! The other big difference is the serving size: have you ever seen the size of a beef sirloin with french fries in a restaurant in the US?

4- Peanut Allergy Alert!

I have never heard about peanut allergy before living in NY. This is definitely a serious issue since if you invite someone who is allergic to peanuts and you do serve something you cook with peanuts, your dear friend could die! seriously! Therefore, you will be systematically asked if you have any food allergy when you are invited somewhere.

Peanut allergy is very common in the US. I tried to search on the internet the reasons, but it looks like science doesn’t really have a clear answer and even presents opposite theories. Check out this article: https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/02/03/as-peanut-allergies-rise-trying-to-determine-a-cause/ . And, it look like migrants tend to get food allergy of the adopted country: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-46302780 ! Beware!

Are you American?

What leaves you perplexed when you meet French people? What surprises you in the French lifestyle? Feel free to leave your comments at the bottom of the post!



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